Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is a neuropsychiatric condition affecting preschoolers, children, adolescents, and adults. ADHD affects up to 5% to 8% of school-age children, with 60% to 85% of those diagnosed as children continuing to meet the criteria for the disorder in adolescence, and up to 60% continuing to be symptomatic into adulthood.
Is your adolescent struggling in school and at home? Are they having trouble focusing, concentrating on their homework and chores, or exhibiting impatient behavior? Are they acting out at school, or having difficulty focusing on one task? These can be all signs of your adolescent having ADHD. Note: Individuals may have symptoms similar to those exhibited by adolescents with ADHD, which will be evaluated at your adolescent appointment.
As an adult are you finding yourself not paying attention to others as they speak, having trouble staying on task at work, forgetting appointments, or having trouble concentrating for periods of time? Do you lose items such as your keys often? Is it hard for you to complete a task once you start one? These can all be signs that you are struggling with ADHD. Note: Individuals may have symptoms similar to those exhibited by adults with ADHD, which will be evaluated at your appointment.
ADHD is largely misunderstood. Sufferers tend to be intelligent and have normal to high IQs. They are often creative and intuitive, but many do not reach the level of achievement of which they are capable if untreated.
We at Elroi Mental Health Services, will do a complete and thorough diagnostic evaluation, and spend the time and effort it takes with you to understand your unique and specific symptoms. You and the provider will work together to come up with a plan to move you forward toward a happy and fulfilling life.
Note: Your overall success is mostly dependent on you working with your provider, being willing to participate to reach your goal, and your overall response to treatment.
Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear. Isaiah 58:8a
4405 7th Avenue SE
Suite 200 - 0501
Lacey, Washington 98503-1062
Wednesday - Sunday
9:00 am - 6:00 pm